Casey Berard

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Mindful Guilt: Feelings as Friends 2 of 4 Blog and video

Can you feel summer in the air?

I find this time of year leads to a chruning of my spiritual, physical and emotional growth. I notice patterns and clutter waiting to be ditched, leaving room for newness and beauty.

One of the areas I look at often are times when I feel guilty, really guilty.
I have done something that has hurt someone and it was not my intention. It could be as simple as being late or forgeting to do something I had said I would do. Regardless, as a sensitive and feisty soul it is eating me from the inside out and I know from Gabor Mate’s personal and professional experiences in the book, “When the Body Says NO” that this can lead to illness on all levels.

So let’s stop. Let us change what we can change.
Let’s make a list of 3 of our guilt inducing actions and change them. Pick the lowest and ripest hanging fruit. It’s that thing you just need a little push to change: a kick in the avoidance mindset!

Congrats…now email them to me or a friend and start a mini movement of change and growth! Let’s use summers energy to inspire us…

If you want some examples check out the above video and or click here.



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